About this website

Why this blog?

globXblog was developed as part of the HEGS project which studied floods and intense precipitations around the world. Rather than describing the project’s results in details, the blog focuses on having fun with climate data using visualisation and sonification techniques to look at them from a different angle.

Check out the gallery for individual graphics, animations and videos; alternatively, browse through the blog posts for more detailed explanations. You can also get the associated codes and data. The main project outcomes are listed on the HEGS page.

Who is writing?

Benjamin Renard: I’m an hydrologist and I develop statistical methods to analyse hydroclimatic datasets and their uncertainties. I usually use graphs to illustrate data, methods and results, and I’m now learning how to make music out of them.

Chloé Le Bescond: I work in environmental monitoring. I usually collect data either through field or lab measurements. I am now learning how to manipulate them using the R programming language. In this blog, I create animations and interactive apps to explore hydroclimatic datasets.